ADI - Aggressive Driver Improvement
ADI12 - 12 Hour Advanced Driver Improvement
BDI/TCAC - 4 HR Basic Driver Improvement
BDI8 - 8 HR Basic/Intermediate Driver Improvement
SDDA - Mature Driver Insurance Discount Course
STOP - Senior Traffic Offender Plus
TLSAE - Drug and Alcohol First Time Driver Course
TOAD - 4 HR Youthful Offender Under 25 Defensive Course
TOAD - 8 HR Youthful Offender Under 25 Defensive Course
WCD - Wireless Communications Device Safety Course
Florida Permit Test
In Person
BDI/TCAC - 4 HR Basic Driver Improvement
TOAD - 4 HR Youthful Offender Under 25 Defensive Course
Log In (Returning Students)
Florida Educational Driving School
State and county certified driving courses.
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